Blogging to Blog about Blogs
Short answer: Yes!
Blogging drives traffic right to where you want people to go: YOUR WEBSITE! Once at your website, the sky is the limit.
And if you can become an authority on certain subjects for your followers, you have reached the best part of blogging…being influential. Being a source of solid information is like having a built-in marketing machine that you don’t even have to think about once that blog goes up! Many blogs live on for years and can still drive traffic to your site far after they have been posted. In comparison, a post on FB is lost in the stream of information within hours…a blog will live right where you put it for years!
Credibility is everything. How do you establish credibility in your blogs? Basically your writing needs to come from a very honest, forthright, and logical place. Presenting solid facts in a friendly manner can give you some really great writing. Which leads to great blogging. Which leads to an audience and influence. Which leads to…..LEADS!
Another wonderful thing about blogs? Great blogging will give a voice to your company that a website can’t! Wouldn’t it be awesome to have a sit down conversation with everyone that comes to your website? A blog can offer that voice! Your potential customers can get a feel for what your company knows and how you communicate. Blogging can show your authenticity! What a better way to create trust and reliability with current and future clients.
If you are patient, consistent, and INFLUENTIAL….you can become a source that people will go to for answers! This can lead to more shares, more leads, more likes, more business, and more YOU….all over the internet!