Insta- Face- Twit- Tok- Gram(ing)
If social media adds one more platform to the mix we might go wild… Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, and more. Who has the time to be gram(ing) when there is a business to run! And what’s the advantage of using these platforms?
Simply put, social media for your business has to be on your to-do list. If you think you don’t have the time to do it, you have to make it. It should be as important as invoicing and brushing your teeth (we hope that is important to you).
People are on social media an average of 145 minutes per day. By making your presence known on social media, you are putting yourself into the hands of each and every person reaching for their phone. And what are all these people looking for? They are seeking out information, a connection, and most importantly trust.
Your online presence is opening a line of communication that makes it easy for your customer to establish a level of trust before the first phone call is even made, or the first email is even sent. That is an advantage a business should not, and cannot, ignore. Make it a priority. No time? Make it. Hire it. Do it.
There is nothing worse than going to check out a business’s Facebook page and finding nothing, or worse, finding one lonely status update from 2017. Customers and clients want to trust your company and having a social media presence is a great way to establish trust and begin a connection. There is an undefinable sense of communication that happens through a business’s social media profile. It lets your customers see your business and feel like they know you and what your business is all about.
In today’s mobile and online world, your online image is as important as the work itself. It’s a currency that can’t be measured, but will surely enhance and improve your bottom line in the long run. If you need help (or don’t have the time)…WE CAN HELP!!