Social Media: Watch It!

 In Blog, phising attacks, security, Social Media

Social Media: Watch It!

We all know that we need to monitor our business accounts on social media on a regular basis. We know we need to read the comments and messages and reply in a timely manner to questions asked by our customers (or potential customers). We know we need to tag people and places in our posts and photos. We know we need to keep posting and sharing fresh material, and we know we need to make sure the contact information in our profiles is current so people can reach us when they need to.

But earlier this month, our Red Technologies staff was made aware of another thing we need to remind people be aware of with their social media accounts.   While browsing our own Red Technologies page on LinkedIn (, one of our team members noticed that one of our “employees” was most certainly NOT an employee of our company. Someone from India said that they were employed by us and had us tagged in their resume on their personal LinkedIn page. Luckily we were on top of the intruder, but not everyone is as diligent as our team so we are sending out a warning to those of you who let your social media “run itself”.

No, we do not outsource work overseas. And no, we do not have any employees in India. Unfortunately, the only way to remove something like this is to contact LinkedIn and wait for them to respond, which is still an ongoing discussion.  It may take up to four weeks to remedy the situation.

We encourage everyone to watch their social media accounts closely and keep in mind the different ways that accounts can be indirectly attacked.  Not only do we look at posts on our own accounts, but we review EVERYTHING on our accounts on a regular basis. You should too.


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