Utilize a Dedicated Server for your website
We discuss website security and the importance of monthly maintenance regularly. In the media, we are constantly reminded of how easily hackers can cause big problems for sites large and small. Don’t let this happen to you. Our Red Tech specialists take security very seriously, and we have recently implemented a hosting upgrade to the safety of our hosted websites.
Dedicated server. Over the past few months, we have been working on migrating websites hosted with us from a shared hosting service to a dedicated server with WP Engine. Our server solely hosts clients of Red Technologies, allowing our team full control over the server, operating system, and hardware. In using a dedicated server, we are able to offer a secure, stable, high-performance web service for our clients.
Don’t get us wrong, our clients still own their own sites, but in moving to a dedicated server, we are protecting our clients from vulnerabilities spread across a shared hosting network. Old plugins, outdated links, and unsecure sites attract potential hackers and phishing scams. Sites that are not maintained regularly not only create vulnerabilities within that individual site but also within the network in which they are hosted. We don’t want this to happen to you and work hard to ensure a positive online experience for you and your clients.
Increased security measures and speed. Hosting on a shared server disables our teams ability to monitor and control what other websites have installed or configured. But on a dedicated server, we have full control and work hard to keep everything working at peak performance, ensuring strong security.
According to Kissmetrics, 47 percent of consumers expect a page to load within two seconds. Two! Don’t lose your customers due to a long loading time or outdated plugins. Sites hosted on a dedicated server have increased performance, allowing your users to find you quickly and easily online. In hosting a site on a dedicated server, you are accessing stronger security measures for your site’s specifications, making it less susceptible to hackers.
Enroll in the security and maintenance program. In order for us to offer the highest level of security to all of our clients, we now require our clients to take advantage of our monthly security package, ensuring all websites have regular updates and data control. Clients electing to not enroll in this program will be hosted with another platform in 2020.
Red Technologies clients can rest easy knowing their sites are monitored and maintained for a high performing, secure, online brand.
Have more questions on securing your online presence? Give our Red Tech specialists a shout to learn more about our security packages, SEO skills, and sweet social media spins.