We are Buffalo Strong!

 In Blog, community, Red Tech News, Teamwork

Many of our teammates call Minnesota home, and the devastating events that took place last week caused ripple effects in all of our lives. No one ever anticipates dealing with workplace violence, lockdowns, or media coverage in your own backyard. We are proud of the heroic work the local authorities and care teams put forth to secure our town and save lives. As we continue to process these events and work toward healing, we want to take a moment to honor and acknowledge the lives impacted and long term grief this leaves in our community. 

Red Technologies was started in Buffalo and remains active in this close-knit city. We are dedicated to supporting its people and are actively looking for a meaningful, long-term way to give back. Several organizations have started drives, funds, and events to benefit the victims. As we take time to decide where our resources are best utilized, please consider supporting our friends and neighbors in their efforts. To learn more visit the Buffalo Strong website.

Our hearts are with the Buffalo community today, and always. 


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