Do you have website FOMO?

 In Blog, Mobile Development, Mobile Development News, Mobile Ready, Website Development, Website to Mobile

Find our what your website might be missing


Your website looks fabulous. It’s engaging, modern, and the talk of the town on your social media channels. Even better– it was cheap, because your nephew built it for you in exchange for your husbands old gaming system.

But it’s missing something. You just can’t put your finger on what…

Some small business owners are lucky to have a techie in the family to help understand and support the intricacies of managing an online brand. But even with the help of your favorite IT guy or gal, some businesses miss out online. Read on for five common items to keep in mind when managing your website.

Is it mobile friendly?

Smartphones and tablets have changed the way we view the web. Until recently, developers designed websites intended solely for a desktop computer. Now, our techie friends design sites for anything with an internet connection, allowing creativity in the layout, design and coding of each site. Ensuring a responsive web design provides users an optimal experience on any device, without having to enlarge an image or turn your phone sideways.

Does it have clear navigation?

On average, consumers spend 15 seconds on a new website. 15 seconds! If your website is difficult to navigate or doesn’t answer your clients questions quickly, you’ve already lost them. With numerous options available online, your message must be succinct, contact information accessible, and potential customer questions easy to find.

Is it secure?

Hacking, phishing, and security flags are a real threat for consumers these days. The truth is, if your site doesn’t have an SSL certification or isn’t backed up monthly, your online presence may be at risk. Modern hackers are determined to cause problems. If your framework or plugins are outdated there is little that can be done to minimize long term damage if hackers do squeeze their way into your site.

Does the site help you reach your goals?

If you sell merchandise, but don’t offer an ecommerce platform through your site, are you maximizing your potential? Ensuring the design and functionality of your website aligns with your business goals will help nail down what might be missing in your online brand. 

Do you understand analytics?

Figuring out the behavior of your audience is the key to driving your website forward. By studying the analytics and adjusting the SEO of your site, you can customize your users online experience and further target your consumers.

Still have website FOMO, and maybe a few extra questions? Contact us at for a free online brand assessment, or to discuss a customized web solution for your modern business.


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