Check out these surprising Email Marketing Campaign Statistics
We can write about the benefits of email campaigns until our fingers fall off, but don’t take our word for it. Check out these staggering facts and figures on the power and availability of email marketing:
The average attention span of a user scanning an email is 6 seconds.
The average American adult checks their inbox 20 times a day. And 68.9% of those users are using their mobile device to do so 2-3 days a week.
According to DBS Data, businesses can expect an average return of $38 for every $1 spent on email marketing.
Email campaigns are shareable, allowing your current customer base the ability to advocate for you to their friends and family.
Email can be viewed from any device, no matter where they are or what time of day.
More than half the world’s population uses email as of 2019, and is expected to increase to more than 4.3 billion by 2023.
Data from Pew Research shows that 92% of adults in the US use email
By using personalized email options, a HubSpot report showed emails including the first name of the recipient in subject lines has a higher click-through rate than those without.
McKinsey reports that the average value of an email is at least three times higher than the average value of a social media post. (And in email, you have no character limits to your messaging.
72% of US adults prefer to receive email communications from business, compared to just 17% who prefer to communicate through social media channels.
86% of Business to Business marketers use email to generate new opportunities and conduct business.
78% of consumers say that personally relevant content increases purchase intent
Have more questions than answers on managing your email campaign? Enlist Red Technologies to help!