Website marketing and a flow-to-goal strategy
Website marketing and a flow-to-goal strategy
Do you pay attention to your company website traffic? Do know the average time spent by a visitor on your website or which pages are most viewed? Many business owners and companies do not know what kind of activity is going on within their website.
If they did, they would find some interesting patterns and behaviors from their visitors that can be taken advantage of for a more defined target marketing strategy. Other website data would also show where visitors are leaving the website and what pages are not being viewed at all.
Poor website marketing and monitoring = lost opportunity for sales and marketing growth.
Many think, “I need a website because everyone else has one…it’s the right thing to do.” Yes, websites are a must in the current digital age…BUT.
A website should be thought about as a sales tool more than just a brand presence. Businesses need a website, so they create one. The website has their branding, images of the company and people that work there, what they provide as a product or service and a way to contact them.
Awesome, they have a website. They have exposed themselves to the world…
However, like the Mighty Mississippi…there has to be a path with a purpose at the end, which goes beyond the wonder and beauty of its appearance.
The flow-to-goal strategy
The TWO questions to consider about visitors on your company website:
- What is the most important information for the visitor to know?
- What do you want them to do with that information?
Take the visitor on the flow of importance, with a goal at the end. The website has to influence the visitor and make them act on it. Visitors to your website are there for only a handful of reasons. If you know what those reasons are, you can use the website to your advantage by holding their digital hand along the way, through education and passive persuasion.
A company’s website is a salesperson that happens to be available 24/7/365.
When a company looks at their website as a sales tool, it opens the door for opportunity instantly. The website is now getting more attention and interaction from the company itself, and becomes an active part of the day-to-day and big picture marketing strategy. It communicates the company brand and purpose effectively online, while offering its product or service as a solution.
How do you pitch your company in person? Are you executing that same strategy online and with the website? A monitored website allows for insight that cannot be obtained by asking your market, so utilize the data from the website for visitors to learn from. Grow the company’s online marketing strategy with this data, while improving your in person pitch at the same time.
How to use this strategy in 2 steps:
1. Define a Goal:
What would you like the visitor to do with the company website information:
Contact your company by phone call or an online form
- Request a sample or sign up for a free trial through a landing page
- Strictly online branding or portfolio showcase
- Purchase something
2. Make it Flow:
What is the best and most persuasive way to get the visitors to the goal?
What is the best and most persuasive way to get the visitors to the goal?
The home page is a common place to start. Like the cover to a good book, put your best branded message front and center and tell the visitors where to go next.
Each page on the website has the necessary information, but contains call-outs to the next page or pages that move the visitor along, continuing the flow that YOU want them to take to reach the goal.
Use the same flow-to-goal strategy on the home page layout. Use a vertical flow so that the visitor never has to leave the page, and implement more than one call-out within the page pointing towards your goal.
Is your company website being utilized to its fullest sales and marketing abilities? The flow-to-goal strategy is to help enhance a website’s purpose and potential, while helping develop the overall marketing for the company with clear communication for both in person and online branding.
Want help optimizing your website marketing and online presence? Red Technologies offers free consultations and quotes…and we laugh a lot, so give us a shout.