Why every small business needs a blog
If you are reading this, you are one of 140 million Americans that read blogs to educate and inform themselves. Blogs have been around since the mid-1990s, starting as a virtual diary of sorts, allowing just about anyone to publish their story online. Blogs quickly rose in popularity in the early 2000s when WordPress and other platforms made it easy for bloggers to not only establish a unique voice, but also share photos and exchange ideas. As it grew, the blogging industry quickly added video, interactive features, and advertising.
Now, blogs shape the way we purchase products and share content. Blogs are currently one of the top online services that influence a purchase, falling just behind retail and brand websites. Still not convinced you need to add a blog to your marketing plan? Here are a few more reasons to love blogs:
Increase your web traffic. Adding a blog allows you the opportunity to share and create relevant content for your customers, with the added bonus of driving traffic to your website. A blog may act as one of the foundations for your social media engagement. Cross posting a blog on all of your social media platforms will give your followers a reason to click through to your website. You may then analyze users behavior on your site, noting where they land and what they view. Blogging consistently increases the traffic to your website and broadens the exposure of your business.
SEO, SEO, SEO. Quite possibly our favorite acronym, SEO (or search engine optimization if you’re new to the world wide web lingo) is amplified when consistently adding blogs and keywords to your website. Fresh content is key in edging out competitors through the search engine results page. By listing out keywords, topics, and categories you want your business to be found with–and then relating them in your blog posts–significantly increases the way you are found when searched online.
Build Brand Awareness. Blogging offers you an opportunity to show another side of your business, not captured through traditional marketing techniques. Give your business a voice and personality that your audience will want to share. If you create a blog that offers value to individuals or other businesses, they may share your content, creating brand exposure you wouldn’t otherwise receive. Blogging will also let your audience play an integral part in sharing the standards and vision of your company.
If you want to add blogging to your marketing plan, but don’t know where to start, consult with our experts at Red Technologies. We work with our clients to create and promote blogs that engage an audience while fulfilling a marketing need. Contact Red Technologies today for more information.