Business Resolutions

 In Blog, Google Searches, mobile, Online Reputation, Search Engine Optimization, SEO, Social Media, Social Media, Video Marketing, Website Development, Website Development News

Happy New Year!

With a new year comes lots of talk on diets, exercise….a new you!  But what about your business this year?  What does your business’s year of marketing, branding, and online presence look like?

It’s time for a new year’s resolution…for your business!  The word resolution gets tossed around a lot this week.  It’s a yearly promise of change this time of year (that usually gets broken within that first week)! However one definition of resolution means “a firm decision to do or not to do something.”

A firm decision to do something.  What is your firm decision on what you want you or your company to look like this year?  You have the power to show your customers exactly what they can expect from you.  An online presence creates a promise to your potential customers…what does that look like for your company right now?  The ability to reach your clients and then show them who you are is exactly how you will grow this year.

So, how is that looking:  A promise to devout 20 minutes a week to social media?  An overhaul of your marketing materials?  A refreshed, revived, renewed website?  All and any can be a step towards reaching a new business goal.  And by making a resolution (firm decision to do something) this year, you can reach business goals you never thought possible!

How will you differentiate yourself from your competition?  Will this year be the year your company breaks out to the next level?  The time is now to make that firm decision to do something!

A few things to think about:
-Mobile Optimization for your website is an absolute necessity!!  Mobile use is passing desktop use and if your website cannot be seen on a phone easily…you are losing business!
-Search Engine Optimization is constantly changing.  You need to stay on top of how Google finds your company!
-Short attention spans of mobile users means you need dense content.  Quick blurbs, VIDEOS, get to the point quick, before you lose your audience!
-Social media is one of the number one ways a client or consumer will find your company.  Are you active?
-For more information on 2017 mobile trends read this article “76 mobile predictions for 2017“.

So how is your business in these areas?   Think about making the RESOLUTION to do something!  Do you need a little help? Contact Red Technologies or call 612-310-7972!!!

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