Cyber Security Awareness Month

 In Blog, cyber security, e-commerce security, malware, security, SEO, SEO News, Website Security

Cyber Security Awareness Month 2017 – Red Technologies

October is Cyber Security Awareness Month and the team at Red Technologies would like to make you #cyberaware about how to keep your website safe.

Tip # 1

You must have an SSL certified website to keep information on your website secure. This is most important when you are selling products or exchanging personal information through a website.

You can purchase a SSL certificate easily online and have a company like Red Technologies install the certificate on to your website. Google is also pushing for this certification internet-wide on websites to make it a safer place for web users, and some say not having a SSL certified site may cut your chances with SEO.

Tip # 2

Disrupted denial of service is a growing concern for businesses. This is when hackers overload a company website and server, often times crashing the site and not allowing employees access to company files or emails.

Though it is hard to prevent this type of attack, businesses should implement strict password practices with employees such as two-factor authentication and be mindful to monitoring your email and website for any suspicious activity.

Learn more about cyber awareness month by searching the #cyberaware, and if you need help in keeping your website secure…reach out to Red Technologies to learn about what website security and maintenance packages they have to offer.

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