How Google Chrome’s browser changes will impact your website

 In Blog, Chrome Update, cyber security, security, SEO, SSL certificate, Website Security

You may have heard rumblings about the upcoming Google Chrome 68 changes.  For months, Google has been warning users that all websites will need to have SSL Certification for their Chrome browser, or be forever doomed, “NOT SECURE”.  This update, slated for July 2018, has been in the works for years in an effort to improve user and page security.

After this migration, when a consumer types in a site URL to the Google Chrome browser, websites without the S in HTTPS will be flagged as “Not Secure”. Sites without the new certification will look something like this:

To be clear, this is not currently a requirement, and a potential customer can still proceed to any site, with or without the SSL certification.  However, trends indicate this will be a standardized condition for secure websites in the near future.

Why you should care

SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer, a method that allows encryption of data being transferred over a server. SSL Certificates will help secure sensitive information and establishes an encrypted connection, leaving consumers less vulnerable to hackers.

If your website drives any amount of business, you should take note. A valid SSL certificate allows you to:

  1. Build trust in your site, your brand, and your customers.
  2. Keep your site secure and data encrypted.
  3. Ensure stable Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and the ability for people to find you. Google will start to push non-SSL certified sites to bottom of the results page.

It is in your best interest to update your website security sooner rather than later.

How to get SSL Certification

There are a variety of certificate options available, depending on your website size, needs, and usage. If you have an account with a technology or server manager, contact them for more information. Often, certification and upgrades are available, or included, with your membership. Our team at Red Technologies can help you get the SSL certificate installed properly!  

Red Technologies is at the forefront of web security, SEO, and marketing needs. In addition to free website and online brand evaluations, our experts are available to consult on web security issues and SSL certifications. Contact Red Technologies today at to learn more about our website security.


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