Winter is Coming…(So is Google’s https requirements!) HELP! What is all this talk about SSL certificates and https encryption? Non-https certified sites will be labeled UNSECURE on any [...]
Red Technologies is Expanding! After 15 years of serving clients from its home base in Buffalo, Minnesota, Red Technologies recently expanded its business in Texas! We’ve been using the [...]
Social Media: Watch It! We all know that we need to monitor our business accounts on social media on a regular basis. We know we need to read the comments and messages and reply in a timely [...]
3 steps to boost your local and online brand awareness…for free Brand awareness is often not at the forefront of current marketing strategies. Businesses’ attention is typically focused on how to [...]
What is a tagline and why it is a MUST for your business Your brand identity needs verbal support. Sure, you can look the part with your wicked-cool logo and color scheme, but does that leave an [...]
Password security and why it is important With all the news of data breaches by major companies such as Yahoo having multiple data breaches reaching over a billion accounts, or Apple iCloud being [...]
How Akismet can fight spam on your WordPress site? Do you hate spam? Of course you do. And if you have a WordPress website, you know that spam comments come in all the time. Those comments are [...]
Our creative team at Red Technologies is amazing and does so much incredible work each and every day that we wanted to give them a public pat on the back, high five, shout-out, or whatever you [...]
Social media is here to stay, but it’s also constantly changing. Our social media experts at Red Technologies know social media and its crazy algorithms and below are what we think will be among [...]
LOVE is in the air. When is the last time you gave a little love to your website? If it’s been a while since you have given it any attention….it’s time to re-kindle. DO you [...]