Find our what your website might be missing Your website looks fabulous. It’s engaging, modern, and the talk of the town on your social media channels. Even better– it was cheap, [...]
Last month, we answered some age old burning questions we hear from potential clients, family, and friends while we’re out and about donning our Red Tech gear. Since inquiring minds (like you) [...]
We love mingling with our clients and making new friends at networking events, but we often hear “What is it you do at Red Tech?” Good question. Since inquiring minds (like you) want to know, [...]
We know you know your website should be backed up monthly. We know you’ve heard horror stories of identity theft, hacked websites, and unwelcome digital interference. And we know you know we’re [...]
How long has it been since you established goals for your business? Undoubtedly, you have revenue targets and margins you manage on a daily basis, but when was the last time you reevaluated the [...]
Does your business have the opportunity to connect with customers and sell products online? Building–or updating–a website with an ecommerce channel helps diversify online presence, [...]
If you are a valued client of Red Technologies, or just a fan of our blog (and who isn’t?!) you’ve heard us regularly recommend updating your website. But what does this really mean? And [...]
If you are reading this, you are one of 140 million Americans that read blogs to educate and inform themselves. Blogs have been around since the mid-1990s, starting as a virtual diary of sorts, [...]
You know social media is an important component to your business, but creating and posting fresh material on a regular business seems overwhelming. If you often find yourself struggling to find a [...]